Travel Gear

I have partnered as an affiliate with my favorite travel resources to share the best deals available with you and I use affiliate links in my website to help support my efforts of maintaining my website, travel expenses, and blogging my travels for you to learn. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.I may receive a commission on the URL links to the resources on this site.

Okay I must admit, this page looks totally like a sales page, but how else am I supposed to let you know about all the things that I have used and appreciated? Have a look:

I have done hours and days of extensive research on travel gear and accessories and here is you will find the results of all my top recommended products and useful accessories.

Starting with the top-most universal company with the best quality gear and the best engineered and designed I have ever found, that company is called NOMATIC.

I personally promise you will be very happy with any of their products and thrilled to use them. I would recommend you to get their 40L convertible carry-on, over-head-storage size, travel approved, backpack/case found HERE.

My current Travel Backpack for my own preferences and uses is a ProGo (Currently Unavailable) with the WaistStraps from Nomatic. The ProGo company seems to be smaller with less customer support and a difficult-to-use website. They use more crowdfunding to get their products manufactured. I recommend you to stick with Nomatic for most of your travel needs but if you really want a ProGo you can find it on the internet if you look hard enough or invest in their crowdfunding at your own risk.

Stay Tuned as I continue the expansion of my travel gear that has been a lifesaver for all my extensive traveling!

Below you will find all the items I have that make traveling so much better and until you try them for yourself you will never know what you have been missing!

As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.

The iPhone/Samsung trackers are better for Luggage for the Crowdsourcing network of the number of users with iPhones or Samsung phones.

The Tile tracker is better for long battery life (less often replacement) but the "Tile Community" is smaller than Apple/Samsung

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